

Android One: No microSD card? No camera then

lundi 15 septembre 2014

Google has officially launched Android One handsets in India, and the goal is to help manufacturers produce low priced Android phones in emerging markets. But that means that these handsets are light in the specs department. Three models were unveiled at the event, phones from Spice, Karbonn and Micromax, and all three have 4GB of storage available to users. Of that amount, only 2.3GB is available to users.

But that is not the big news about the microSD slot on the phones. The phones from Spice and Karbonn would not take pictures unless a microSD card was inserted into the slot. Without the card, you also cannot download content, or take screenshots. This might have been built into the design so as to ensure that Android One users have enough storage for apps and media content on their phones.

Luckily, Micromax and Spice are tossing in an 8GB microSD card with their respective Android One phones. That will enable purchasers of those two models to snap away, and download to their heart's content. Well, at least until their card is full.

source: BGR


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