

Indie Studio In Denmark Revives A Project and Scores A Hit Game [New Game]

lundi 15 septembre 2014

Indie Studio In Denmark Revives A Project and Scores A Hit Game [New Game]

ChronologyIcon How many games do you have on your iPhone or iPad? Do any of them allow you to do any time traveling? Probably not. There’s a new game available in the App Store that allows you to do a bit of time traveling as you attempt to help two characters rebuild their society one step at a time. This visually stunning puzzle solving platform game is called Chronology: Time Changes Everything and it\'s currently featured in the App Store as a "Best New Game". The storyline is captivating and the game is very entertaining, but we almost never got a chance to experience Chronology. In January of 2015, the original developers closed shop and thankfully Osao Games , an indie development studio from Denmark, saw potential in Chronology and continued development on this project. Fast forward to now, you get to enjoy an indie project that just wouldn’t die. After you complete the first level of Chronology, you’ll be glad Osao Games grabbed the torch and kept running with this project. ChronologyScreenshot Does Chronology sound like a game you can’t live without or do you need more supporting evidence before you\'re willing to give up precious storage space on your iOS device? I can respect that, so I did a complete app review on Chronology and you can read it here. So before you head over to the App Store and download this gem, take a look and see how “the Critic” rates this indie studio app from our friends over in Denmark.

More About Jeremy

Jeremy “the Critic” writes for and owns iOS Etc ( He’s a United States Air Force veteran, an air traffic controller, and an Apple fanboy. One day he hopes to expose the world to a groundbreaking iOS application from an unknown independent developer. In his mind, it’s important we share someones hard work with the world if it deserves the recognition. You can follow iOS Etc on Twitter as well as Facebook and read more about him here. Want to connect with Jeremy? Feel free to send him an e-mail or add him on LinkedIn.

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