

Select Android apps now can be run on Chrome OS

samedi 13 septembre 2014

Select Android apps now can be run on Chrome OS

During Google I/O this past June, a number of updates to Chrome OS were announced, including plans to enable the ability to run Android applications on Chromebooks.

Chromebooks are known for being relatively affordable alternatives to laptops, and they literally start up in seconds. Once started up, operation is generally fast and fluid.

Google has announced the first group of Android applications that can be run on a Chromebook. The project that is making this possible is called App Runtime for Chrome. It is still in Beta, but like so many “Betas” run by Google, it will grow and feel largely mainstream.

The first four apps that are now compatible with Chrome OS are, Duolingo, Evernote, Slight Words, and Vine. Evernote and Vine are popular and need no introduction. Duolingo, in case you are not familiar, is a language learning application, and Slight Words is children’s game that assists with reading and vocabulary.

Google will begin working with select groups of developers with the goal of bringing more apps to Chrome OS, and enabling a unified experience from the Android to Chrome environments. Google is also inviting users to submit their favorite apps they would like to see compatible with Chrome OS (see source link).

source: Google Chrome Blog


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