

This round Apple Watch concept kind of suits the UI better than the real device

mercredi 10 septembre 2014

The impressive amount of attention that Motorola’s Moto 360 and LG’s G Watch R are receiving is clearly a sign that people like round smartwatches better than square ones. This being said, we’re pretty sure that some Apple fans wished the iWatch Watch was round. But it just isn’t, instead offering a rectangular display. That, however, didn’t stop Korean fan Alcion from making a round Apple Watch concept.

As you may know, Apple introduced a brand new iOS UI for its Watch - one that makes app icons round (and very small). Well, it seems to us that this round Watch concept suits the UI better that Apple’s real device. And maybe - just maybe - some of Apple’s next-generation Watches will have round displays. Of course, until next-generations arrive, there are still quite a few months before the first Apple Watch will hit the market (sometime in early 2015).

Take a look at the round Apple Watch concept bellow and let us know of you like it more than the real thing.

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