

Announcing the Humble Crescent Moon Mobile Bundle

lundi 24 novembre 2014

Announcing the Humble Crescent Moon Mobile Bundle

HumbleCrescentMoonMobileBundleSeriously, stop everything you\'re doing right now and read this. Crescent Moon, developers of numerous hit mobile games, have announced their official Humble Mobile Bundle where gamers can pay any price they want for a huge set of games. While we typically don\'t cover Android news, Crescent Moon is by far one of our favorite developers who we\'ve written about for years. Here\'s the full description from the website:

Crescent Moon. Full bundle. While the moon might not be a full one, we\'ve filled this bundle to the brim with Android games. And with potential bonuses ready to be unlocked, this bundle is ready to burst at the seams. Pay what you want for Space Chicks, 2-Bit Cowboy, Neon Shadow, and Ravensword: Shadowlands. Pay more than the average price, and you also get Topia World Builder, Shadow Blade, Mines of Mars, and Blocky Roads. Pay $8 or more to get all of that plus the alpha versions of The Deer God and Exiles: Far Colony and the full games once they\'re released.

Bonus goals. As more people buy the bundle, there\'s potential for your bundle to get even bigger! When each goal is reached, we\'ll automatically add a bonus game to your bundle if you paid more than the average price.

Pay what you want. Normally, these games would cost you a total of up to $38, but at Humble Bundle, you name your price.

All Premium. Each of these games is the premium version, meaning it\'s the unlocked full game and/or comes with extra goodies. No freemium stuff here.

DRM-free for Android. The games in this bundle are available DRM-free for Android. Some games may have minimum device requirements in order to run properly. For more information, please check the full system requirements here.

Support charity. You get to choose where your money goes - between Crescent Moon and two causes (Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child\'s Play Charity). If you like what we do, please feel free to also leave Humble Bundle a tip!

At the time of this writing, over 500 bundles have been sold in only a quick 20 minutes. So if you have a moment, be sure to grab yourself some awesome games at an insanely good price. As of now there\'s no word on if there will be any iOS sale or any equivalent, however, we\'ll keep you in the loop if that does happen.

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