

IndieGoGo campaign for @evleaks is up

mardi 5 août 2014

A couple of days ago, famous leakster @evleaks tweeted a retirement message, putting an end to his 2 years of (mostly) accurate rumor-posting. The man behind the Twitter handle is Evan Blass and yesterday, he gave an interview to TNW, explaining his reasons to call it quits.

See, Mr. Blass has unfortunately been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, which is a rather painful and expensive disease. He spent a lot of time trying to monetize his famous Twitter feed, however this is a task that is extremely hard. That's why Blass tried to move @evleaks to a website, but – as he puts it – most members of the tech community already have a myriad of ad-blocks in place, so that didn't work out for him either. Thus, the hard call was made – keeping his mind on his financial future, Evan has decided to move on to other projects and claims that he will only try to enjoy technology from now on, and not try to make it his daily job. He will still keep the @evleaks feed active, tweeting personal infromation for whomever might be interested.

The guys at TK Tech News do not think that this should be the end of it, though. They have started an IndieGoGo camplaign, aiming to raise as much funds as possible, to go towards Evan's medical care. This is not an attempt to get him back in the game, but more of a "thank you" note that the whole tech community now has the chance to sign. The goal is set at $100,000, however it's a "flexible funding" campaign, which means that Evan will receive all funds, even if they don't reach the pledge goal by the campaign's end (18th of Sept, 2014). There are two perks to unlock – one is gained at $500 and grants you access to some "leaked Samsung hardware" (though this one appears to have sold out fast – TK probably didn't have many pieces of said hardware to give), while the other one is at $1,500 and it will grant you box seats and a meetup with the NJ Devils hockey team at any one of their games. Of course, these are more of symbolic rewards, but still – good job by TK for throwing them in.

sources: The Next Web, IndieGoGo via


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