

Android 5.0 update hits Samsung Galaxy S4 Google Play edition

vendredi 12 décembre 2014

Android 5.0 has just been pushed out to the Samsung Galaxy S4 Google Play edition. This is the stock Android version of the phone, available from the Google Play Store. One selling point of these models is that they are supposed to be early in line for Android updates. It should be pointed out however, that the OS being sent out OTA to the Galaxy S4 GPe is Android 5.0, not the Android 5.0.1 version that some other Google Play editions have received.

Other Google Play edition models that have received the Lollipop update include the Motorola Moto G, the HTC One (M8) and the HTC One (M7). All three phones received Android 5.0.1. There is no word why the Galaxy S4 Google Play edition was sent out the older version of the OS.

As far as carrier branded phones are concerned, we are still a few months away from seeing Android 5.0 updates sent out by the mobile operators. HTC has promised that the update would be sent out to its carrier branded HTC One (M8) and HTC One (M7) models within 90 days after Google turned over the final code to the manufacturer. That means that owners of those two models should start to see the update by early February. A tweet from HTC recently confirmed that everything remains on track timing-wise.

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