

Expires Has Your Back [Review]

mercredi 23 avril 2014

Expires Has Your Back [Review]

Expiresicon As life happens around us we realize there are a lot of things we keep track of. Jotting down a list of important dates and reminders on a piece of paper is a thing of the past. In most cases, I use my calendar, notes, Evernote, or my email accounts to store or send important reminders to myself. I never really thought of setting up one central location to track everything. After 3 frustrating days, I realized I needed to use an application on one of the devices I rely on every day to help me keep track of some very important information. Expires has quickly become an application I use frequently. Had I known about this application earlier, I could’ve avoided a time consuming and frustrating situation. Expires has quite a few options for you to choose from when it comes to tracking important dates. Some of the items or events you can select, like an insurance policy renewal date, you\'d never really think about until you notice it listed in the application. My auto insurance renews every six months and I religiously forget to print out new insurance cards. Since I’m such an outstanding driver--quiet peanut gallery--I never need it. In the state of Illinois it’s a requirement to have an updated auto insurance card in your automobile at all times. I can pull up proof of insurance on the app I have for my insurance company, but if my iPhone is damaged or destroyed in an accident this option is useless. By setting a reminder in Expires, it alerts me when it’s time to print updated insurance cards and store them in our cars. Expires is extremely handy in another way too and it didn’t dawn on me until I was in the middle of a month long review for an iOS application to help avoid wasting food and money by using my iPhone. After seeing how effective tracking food expiration dates was at helping us avoid waste and saving money, I knew there had to be an application to help track other important information. Has your license expired before you had a chance to renew it? How inconvenient would it be to forget to renew your passport? Forgetting certain items you rely on could have you scrambling at the last minute. While I was trying to find an application to help in situations like this, the developer of Expires happened to contact me to take a look at it. Sometimes things just fall into your lap and that’s exactly what happened here. Expires couldn’t have come at a better time. Something happened a few days later that had me wondering why I hadn’t sought out something like Expires before. Getting certain phone calls or text messages late at night is not usually a good thing. I received two text messages right before I was heading to bed alerting me there was possible fraudulent activity on one of our credit cards--awesome! Needless to say, I really didn’t get much sleep that night. The next morning I got up and read a couple emails alerting me to the fraudulent activity as well. Over breakfast I called the credit card company and confirmed the purchases they flagged were indeed fraudulent. A new card was sent overnight and I was relieved it was all taken care of; at least I thought it was. On my way to work, I realized there were quite a few automatic charges setup on this card and since the account number would be different, I needed to update all of the auto-pay charges with the new card number. Of course I couldn’t remember all the auto-pay charges setup on this card off the top of my head. Now I had to dig through our credit card statements and identify what needed to be updated. It took me a couple days just to find all the accounts requiring updates and one afternoon to swap information over to the new card; what a mess! I wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. I decided to hold onto the list I just made with all the changes completed. If there’s a next time, which I’m sure there will be in today\'s day and age, I\'m be prepared with Expires. After entering the expiration date for this new card and how far in advance I wanted an alert for the expiration date, I entered every auto-pay account I had linked to this card in the notes section. Yes, it will still be a painstaking process to change everything over, but next time it should go a little smoother and quicker. Interfacing with Expires is extremely fast and easy. Pick the event you want to keep track of, enter the expiration date, select when you’d like to receive an expiration notice, and add any helpful notes. Finally, click the checkmark in the top right hand corner and you’re done. I honestly don’t know how Expires could be any easier. If you want full control over your events title, select “Other” and input exactly what you want. The 30 seconds it takes you to enter an important item into Expires could save you from forgetting to submit a college application by a certain deadline or important dates or events. We all know it happens, but now you can play defense. ExpiresDisplayShot Expires serves a great purpose and can help you avoid forgetting a lot of different items. Don’t just use it for credit cards, drivers licenses, or passports though. Expires can help you remember those special occasions and even remind you early enough to get a gift. It’s like having your own personal assistant solely focused on helping you avoid awkward or time consuming situations. As much as I’ve praised Expires, I’ve got to touch on a few minor issues I have with it. I like having all the possible events to choose from, but without being able to edit the title I found myself using “Other” quite a bit since it gave me complete editing capabilities. Since I wasn’t just tracking my information, I needed to be specific about what I was entering. For example, I have a few reminders set for my wife but I don’t want to get them confused with the exact same items I have for myself. Lastly, I’m probably going to sound extremely picky, but when you scroll up, the menu text jumbles together at the top of the screen with all the stationary text items in Expires along with the time, cellular network icons and battery life at the top of the screen on the iPhone. This makes Expires appear unfinished or unpolished, but it won’t stop me from using it. I’m willing to overlook this minor detail since I’m positive it’ll get addressed one day. This is a handy application and $0.99 is a small price to pay if you’re looking to avoid time consuming and frustrating situations.

More About Jeremy

Jeremy "the Critic" writes for and owns iOS Etc ( He\'s a United States Air Force veteran, an air traffic controller, and an Apple fanboy. One day he hopes to expose the world to a groundbreaking iOS application from an unknown independent developer. In his mind, it\'s important we share someones hard work with the world if it deserves the recognition. You can follow iOS Etc on Twitter as well as Facebook and read more about him here. Want to connect with Jeremy? Feel free to send him an e-mail or add him on LinkedIn.

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