NVIDIA's next Shield Android-based, hand-held console appears to be in full-blown testing mode. The device has emerged on AnTuTu benchmark, sporting fearsome specs. The Shield 2 prototype runs on a 2.5GHz quad-core Tegra K1 CPU bundled with a whopping 4GB RAM. Considering that the last console generation had to make do with 512MB RAM, and the current generation Sony and Microsoft consoles have 8GB RAM each, it will be very interesting to see what NVIDIA's mobile gaming technology is up to.
The device has a purported resolution of 1440x810, which probably means 1440x900 (WXGAII) sans the 90px allotted to the Android software navigation buttons. The resolution amounts to a 16:10 wide-screen display of unknown size. We reckon NVIDIA won't go past 6 inches if it wants to keep a sensible handheld profile, but who knows.
Previously, we've seen the K1 SoC obtain a godlike 43,851 result in the AnTuTu benchmark, blowing the Snapdragon 801 CPU out of the water and probably capable enough to beat the Snapdragon 805 when Qualcomm unleashes it. Alas, making such a powerful CPU manageable in terms of energy consumption and heat dissipation is a task that NVIDIA is yet to prove it can handle outside of its test facilities.
There's no word about when the Shield 2 will arrive on the market, but we will keep you posted.
via G For Games
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