

Android apps said to be quite zippy on BlackBerry 10.3

mercredi 14 mai 2014

Here is some good news for those BlackBerry 10 users who like to use Android apps on their 'Berry phones. Android runtime is getting updated to Android 4.3 on BlackBerry 10.3. Those who have tested the update say that Android apps open in less than two seconds, a major improvement over the speed at which these apps open in BlackBerry 10.2.

And in BlackBerry 10.3, Android runtime will appear on the BlackBerry native apps sharing menu. Considering that developers aren't exactly beating down the doors to deliver native BlackBerry apps, it definitely helps to have the manufacturer continue to make improvements in this area.

There are also many non-Android improvements in the new BlackBerry OS build. On Monday, we told you about some of these new features that are coming. Some of what will seem new to 'Berry users in 10.3, are things that Android and iOS users have had on their phones for awhile. We're talking about features like actionable notifications that might not be exciting anymore for Android users, but could seem like a big deal for BlackBerry users.

source: BerryReview


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