

Feeling cramped? Samsung suggests relief with the Galaxy NotePRO 12.2

vendredi 23 mai 2014

Smartphones have become more than just phones that have smart features, they are media consumption devices through-and-through. For some folks, there is just not enough real estate to do what we want to do, and that is why the tech world invented tablets.

Sometimes, even a 5-inch display is not enough. If media consumption with a dash of productivity is what you are looking for, Samsung’s new Galaxy NotePRO 12.2 definitely needs to be a contender for your consideration.

It really does not matter what the circumstance is as to why you may feel like you are boxed in, cramped, or stuck in the sand. Quite often, tablets are the type of device where you will find uses for them after you acquire one. The Galaxy NotePRO 12.2 aims to such an end by being equipped with enough different features to find a purpose.

The NotePRO 12.2 is a very good execution of being a jack-of-all-trades. It delivers solid performance, has outstanding battery life, and the 2560x1600 pixel display is just a joy to watch. The stylus is also well appointed to bring out the free-hand user in you. The Magazine UI is also a nice addition that brings some distinction to the Galaxy tablet line-up.

In the end, if you feel like you are trapped, or literally boxed in, Samsung may have the relief you are looking for.


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