

Google tipped to be working on KITT for Android, allowing you to drive while searching the web

dimanche 1 juin 2014

Those with knowledge of Google's plans, say that the tech giant is working on a new feature for Android called KITT. This feature will allow those driving a car to search the web while continuing to drive safely. Obviously a reference to the takilng A.I. car from the television show Knight Rider, KITT is known inside Google as "Android Eyes Free."

With KITT, users will be able to interact with Google Search without looking, or touching their Android flavored device. The feature would allow you to use your voice to search and send texts. And information you receive will be read to you. Imagine asking for a current weather forecast and getting the entire Google Search card read back to you. Notifications will also be read out loud to you. For results that include a link to a website, Google is considering adding a way to keep the results for later, when you can safely visit the site linked to the results.

Sources say that Google has KITT set up in a way that it will require you to plug into your car's 12-Volt socket to save on battery life. Waving your hand over the screen would start up KITT, and take you to Google Now, which is where the service will start from.

source: AndroidPolice


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