

10 funny, awesome, and entertaining smartphone commercials

mercredi 23 juillet 2014

10 funny, awesome, and entertaining smartphone commercials

Okay, commercials have become a type of digital art a long time ago, as successfully promoting a given product is among the key priorities of almost any company. Smartphone manufacturers are no different – in fact, some of them spend shedloads of money on marketing (we are looking at you, Samsung). Thus, it comes as no surprise that the industry has created some ads that promote their product in a downright funny, entertaining, and hilarious way.

We've made a pick of some smartphone ads that really made us giggle quietly in the office. We've also thrown in a feature phone ad for a good measure, as it is quite hilarious, too. It is important to say that some of the ads indirectly (yet some are pretty directly, if you ask us) attack their rivals. At the same time, certain manufacturers have chosen a harder, yet definitely more creative way to promote their devices and pinpoint their strengths. Whether you like this or not depends on your personal preference.

Check out the ads right below and tell us which one of these is your favorite one. Naturally, if an utterly amusing and humorous commercial has slipped under our radar, feel free to share it in the comments section!

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