

Did you know: in Japan there are stands set up for selfies

vendredi 25 juillet 2014

Did you know: in Japan there are stands set up for selfies

Selfies are taking over the world with scary speed and even phone makers are reacting to the pervasive trend of self photography by including improved front cameras in their newest gadgets, but did you know that one country has elevated the art of self-photography to even higher heights?

We’re talking about the Land of the Rising Sun, Japan, where apparently, there are special stands in popular places where you can leave your phone and take a great selfie. The stands even have a special slot where you can tuck in your phone, so that it stands up right, and mind you, the purpose here boils down to beautiful pictures, not just duckface foolery.

Whatever it is, though, we’re not surprised this is happening in Japan, a country known for its citizens love for photography. But honestly, it’s not such a bad idea, is it?

source: LOLshelf


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