

Here's how Chrome may end up looking like in Android L

vendredi 25 juillet 2014

Yesterday, Google pushed an update to the Chrome Beta app, introducing the new Material design to the veteran browser. While we can make no promises, this is more than likely the way that Chrome will end up looking like in Android L, though there are still parts of it that haven't been updated to the new design language.

As those of you familiar with Google's new Material design would expect, the new Chrome Beta has a decidedly flatter look, and interacting with, say, the address bar, provides better feedback through animations. The Tabs window has also been changed -- for one, you can no longer see how many tabs you have often (a bug?), and the look has been changed to, again, a flatter one. Lastly, it should be mentioned again that not all parts of the app have been skinned just yet -- the Settings menu, for example, is still stuck in the pre-Material design era, and so is the default homepage with your most visited bookmarks.

Again, this is definitely not final, so further tweaks will likely take place. That, after all, is the purpose of Chrome Beta -- to test out new features and changes before they're made public with Chrome.

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