

Poll results: Which Android mobile browser do you use?

jeudi 24 juillet 2014

With browsing being such a characteristic past time when it comes to smartphones, it felt only logical that we should poll you on the browser app you've chosen (or stuck with). Indeed, there are dozens of alternatives to the default browser that comes with your smartphone, and some of them are certainly giving the big three (Chrome, Firefox, Opera) a run for their money.

Nearly 5,000 of you took our call and voted. That's a pretty decent sample, statistically speaking, though we obviously can't claim that it is representative of the entirety of the Android population -- chances are, if you read, you're at least a little bit more knowledgeable than the average Android use.

So what do the results say? Well, first and foremost, Chrome is king. Google's mobile browser accounts for nearly 57% of the total vote, with the second-in-line (default manufacturer browsers) accounting for just 10.67% in comparison. Next up, we have Opera, at 8.18%, and Dolphin, at 7.5%. Interestingly enough, Firefox seems to be lagging behind, at 5.79%. The only two other browsers that managed to cross the 1% barrier are UC Browser (4.43%) and CM Browser (1.17%).

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