

12 awesome Samsung Galaxy Note 3 cases

mercredi 20 août 2014

The Galaxy Note 3 has become one of Samsung’s best-selling devices for a good reason - it brings the absolute best of hardware in a well built 5.7” phablet. With all that precious hardware muscle, though, you might want to protect it as much as possible. Outfitting your Galaxy Note 3 with a nice and durable case would keep it in mint condition, and help you preserve the maximum resale value once you decide it’s time to upgrade. Moreover, a proper case would also protect that large 5.7” display from shattering and drops.

Protection, however, is not the only reason to get a case or a cover for the Note 3. It’s true that Samsung changed its design language radically by adding a faux-leather back to the Note 3, giving it much more polished looks, but what about those who want a little more color in their Note 3? Changing the back cover would be a cheap and easy solution for that, and there are many great looking bumpers that would add not just protection, but also an interesting color accent to the phablet.

We’ve picked a dirty dozen of our favorite Galaxy Note 3 cases and covers that do all that right below. We are kicking it off with cases from well known makers like OtterBox and Spigen, but don’t hesitate to check out the ones from second-tier makers that follow - they are also made specifically for the Note 3, and come without the hefty prices. Finally, do keep in mind that all cases add some bulk to the already large Note 3 - it’s a price you have to pay for that extra protection!

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