

Check out these discounted iOS, Android, and Windows Phone apps while the deals are still on

mardi 5 août 2014

Ah, another round of sweet app promotions! It's summertime and the major app stores are treating us to a number of deals, some of which are appealing, while others aren't. Lately, we've been covering a lot of iOS and Android app promotions, but guess who decided to show up on our radar today! Yes, you got that one right – several Windows Phone are now cheaper than usual!

It's important to say that any of the deals listed below might expire at any given moment, so if some of them grasps your attention and looks like something you'd throw your money at, then don't think for too long or the deal might expire, leaving you with nothing in tow. Thus, let's not lose more time! To the app deals!

Let's start with the Android platform, as it has the most app and game deals at the moment. Mind you, we might have missed a deal, so feel free to share it with us in the comments section.

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