Qualcomm has announced the Snapdragon 615. It's the world's first octa-core 64-bit SoC, based on Cortex-A53 architecture and offering 4G LTE support. Just after the announcement, rumors spurred up, saying that the first phone that might be equipped with the new chip would be a new HTC Desire, which would maybe (big maybe) be uncovered at this year's IFA, just a couple of weeks from now. HTC's invite for the event further fueled the rumors with the cryptic line "See what's next for smartphones at HTC's IFA breakfast"
Just shy of 2 weeks ago, leakster @upleaks also stirred up the rumor mill by posting specs and a couple of pictures of a 64-bit capable HTC Desire phone, supposedly in the works. Dubbed HTC A11, it is said to feature a 4.7” display, 480 x 954 resolution, and be powered by the Snapdragon 410, which is a quad-core SoC.
So perhaps “what's next for smartphones” is that HTC intends to launch a range of 64-bit devices, from the low- to upper-mid range, and show its competitors 'how it's done'. Or, this could all be just whispers in the wind.
Just shy of 2 weeks ago, leakster @upleaks also stirred up the rumor mill by posting specs and a couple of pictures of a 64-bit capable HTC Desire phone, supposedly in the works. Dubbed HTC A11, it is said to feature a 4.7” display, 480 x 954 resolution, and be powered by the Snapdragon 410, which is a quad-core SoC.
So perhaps “what's next for smartphones” is that HTC intends to launch a range of 64-bit devices, from the low- to upper-mid range, and show its competitors 'how it's done'. Or, this could all be just whispers in the wind.
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