

Siri and Cortana bantering yet again in HTC One M8 for Windows commercial

mardi 2 septembre 2014

Microsoft is no stranger to comparing its new products to existing Apple flagships. We've seen the Surface ads trying to belittle the established MacBook Air in strides to substantiate its "The tablet that can replace your laptop" motto. We've also seen countless of comparisons, both from Microsoft and third parties, between Cortana and Siri, a huge number of them being humorous showdowns between the pair.

Siri and Cortana are at it again in Microsoft's new commercial for the HTC One M8 for Windows. Seems Microsoft may agree that these are getting a bit too old too fast, as the ad doesn't seem to make much effort. It's a short clip that doesn't really showcase many of Cortana's functions; instead, it focuses on the elegant looks of the HTC One and places an emphasis on the phone's stereo speakers (and the “punchline” to the clip follows shortly after, but we're not going to spoil it here). The whole clip also hints at Cortana's supposedly superior speech engine, since the Siri voice is represented as sounding very flat and robotic, whereas Cortana is represented with a normal, dynamic, and cheerful human speech.

What do you think of this new ad? Would you rather have a clip that talks about what Cortana could do? We actually like what Redmond is doing with its personal assistant, but we can't really say that this commercial does it justice in any way.

source: Microsoft (YouTube channel) via Windows Phone Central


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