

Tim Cook slips up – says “iWatch” – maybe the Apple Watch will change its name?

mercredi 10 septembre 2014

Well, Apple's Keynote has come and gone and even though the presentation of the new products was quite thorough, there are still some questions lingering about, most of them regarding the new Apple Watch.

Indeed, Apple representatives mentioned absolutely nothing about the new smartwatch's battery life, which spun a web of speculations, especially since both of the new iPhone models did get their work times flaunted in a nifty little table.

Another thing that confused many was the name. The tech-world was pretty much ready for the device to be called iTime or iWatch. The latter was further justified in the last few months, as Apple was on a roll, filing trademarks for the iWatch name in every major country.

There was also something weird about the way the name was stylized – for the first time since 2007 an Apple iDevice's name wasn't written in the Helvetica font. And, instead of having the full “Apple Watch” written out, the Cupertinians decided to replace the word “Apple” with the company's logo, which just looks a bit off and kind of like it was stamped on there, instead of something else.

Now, a short clip of an ABC interview with Tim Cook has surfaced, where the Apple CEO talks about the new phones, the new wearables, the developers behind them, and so on. At the very end of the clip, Mr. Cook himself slips up and mistakingly calls the Apple Watch “the iWatch”. Basically, this is indicative of the fact that the wearable has only been renamed very recently and the old name still lingers in the CEO's head, or that it may still get the iWatch moniker, probably prior to its release (planned for early 2015)

Now, it's been known for a while that Apple is having trouble with the iWatch trademark in some countries, where other vendors have already taken the same, or similar, name for their products. Perhaps Cupertinians are still having trouble ironing out all the details with some companies' trademarks, ergo the Apple Watch name was stamped as a temporary placeholder.

Alternatively, maybe the Apple Watch name is here to stay – either due to Apple failing to secure the trademark in every country, or just a sudden change of heart.

source: ABC News via NeoWin


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