

Wasteful or efficient? Check out our ranking of the world's most and least compact phablets relative to their screen size

mercredi 10 septembre 2014

Last week we finally got around to ranking manufacturers' flagships by how compact they are relative to their screen size. Japanese Sharp's little-known Aqos Xx 302Sh 5.2-inch flagship finished at the very top, with the impressive 80.66% of its body being occupied by nothing but the display. In comparison, Apple's fancy iPhone 5s finished last, with just 60.82% of its physical form made up of its 4-inch screen.

Of course, these ratios are nothing more than a part of the many considerations we all go through when purchasing a smartphone, but seeing as how Android flagships are on path to make 5- to 5.2-inches the norm, it's becoming more and more apparent why these ratios are important. They're perhaps doubly important when you're in the market for a phablet, for those are now edging on true tablet category, with the biggest ones clocking in at 7-inches. Those type of devices are unlikely to make a pocket-friendly solution, but some of them sure are more rapacious with the amount of bezel they require.

So, without any further ado, let's see which phablet makes the best use of its dimensions relative to their individual screen diagonal.

Check our other rankings for:

  • Flagships

  • Tablets

Note: Results are approximations, given how an advertised 5-inch screen can sometimes actually measure in at 4.95 or 5.04 inches, for example.

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