

Check out this interview with John Legere as he speaks his mind (as usual) on various topics

samedi 4 octobre 2014

If you were to stop and ask people on the street who the CEO of Verizon Wireless is, most likely 99 out of 100 would answer with a blank stare. Ask the same people who the CEO of T-Mobile is, and at least a few would know that it is John Legere. For the record, Dan Mead is the CEO of the nation's largest carrier.

Legere's popularity goes beyond T-Mobile's penchant of putting the customer first. Some of that is due to the appearance that Legere makes. Unlike the other CEO's in the industry who are rarely seen in public without an expensive suit and conservative haircut, T-Mobile's CEO wears his hair long, and his typical attire consists of a pink T-Mobile T-shirt and sneakers. It also is about attitude. Customers love the guy because he is one of them.

Legere sat down with GeekWire for an interview recently, during which he touched on a number of subjects including #bendgate, and takeover rumors involving T-Mobile. He states that T-Mobile has 55 million subscribers after recently adding 7.6 million customers. According to the CEO, T-Mobile has been the fastest growing carrier in the U.S. over the last 20 quarters. Talking about the competition, Legere says, "We're kicking the X%$! out of these guys."

We don't want to give away the whole interview, but we should point out that John Legere did promise that T-Mobile would leap frog over Sprint to become the third largest carrier in the U.S., some time before the end of the year. When asked if T-Mobile had passed Sprint yet, Legere replies in the negative, but does predict it will happen on Thanksgiving.

Whether you love the guy or hate him, you have to admit that he is a breath of fresh air. See what is on John Legere's mind by clicking on the video below.

source: GeekWire via TmoNews


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