

Unknown problem is causing the Apple iPhone 6 Plus to crash

jeudi 23 octobre 2014

No sooner has #bendgate started to fade from the consciousness of the public, than a new issue has popped up with the Apple iPhone 6 Plus. Now, the 5.5-inch iPhone phablet is suffering from a new problem which causes the device to crash, or start a loop during which the phone continuously re-boots. Some whose phone have exhibited the problem, have taken their handset to the Apple Store for a replacement model, and reportedly a few are now on their fourth unit.

Right now, it is believed that this problem seems to affect owners of the 128GB iPhone 6 Plus who have installed a rather large number of apps. One theory states that some of the apps that users have downloaded on the phone are not compatible with the iPhone 6 Plus. While many owners have taken a replacement unit and then tried reinstalling their apps one by one to find the culprit, this has just not worked out. Some report that reinstalling the apps brings a temporary fix that lasts for only a few minutes before the phone starts crashing again.

Will this become another major new issue for Apple, one worthy of having a hashtag title, or will this simply blow over? The next few days will tell the tale. If more iPhone 6 Plus owners start reporting the same issue, Apple might have to turn to its damage control team once again.

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